Thread subject: :: Empidae, Empis pennipes, Northern Norway

Posted by Geir79 on 20-03-2011 19:34

Approx. 5-6 mm, photographed 12.08.10 in a forest area in Bodø, northern Norway. Not sure of family, have only compared to photos in the gallery.

Edited by Geir79 on 20-03-2011 22:56

Posted by pwalter on 20-03-2011 20:58

Hi, Empis sp, from subgenus Empis , female. In which part of Northern Norway did You make the photos?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-03-2011 21:18

Purple flower, long proboscis, all leg pennate: must be Empis pennipes.

Posted by Geir79 on 20-03-2011 22:55

Thanks for ID :)

Have taken all photos of Diptera posted here in the same area in Bodø (Nordland). Info on where it is on Wikipedia (on the right hand side):