Thread subject: :: Which Calliphora?

Posted by blowave on 20-03-2011 00:07


The basicosta on this fly doesn't look to be very yellow, could it be other than C. vicina? Unfortunately I didn't get a pic to show the spiracle.

17th March 2011, near Lincoln UK on Mahonia.

2 pics + 1 crop.

Janet :)

Posted by blowave on 20-03-2011 00:08

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 20-03-2011 00:08


Posted by Zeegers on 20-03-2011 10:22

yes, the basicosta is yellow, moreover, the reddish gena confirms vicina.


Posted by blowave on 20-03-2011 15:02

OK thanks, I guessed as much Theo but one can't always be sure when the yellow is not very yellow and there is another species with a similar coloured gena I believe, such as C. uralensis.

I will keep looking! ;)

Posted by Zeegers on 20-03-2011 19:09

Whenever the basicosta is clearly lighter than the epaulette, it is considered 'yellow'. Your first picture shows this nicely.

Uralensis and loewi are pretty rare in Central Europe. Best strategies are:
* go high in the mountains
* collect all Calliphora between october and march
(even then, vicina will be dominant)


Posted by blowave on 20-03-2011 21:12

Thanks for the tips Theo. I don't live very near mountains, and to take a specimen it would have to drop dead in front of me. ;)

I do have C. vomitoria, it can sometimes be confusing when viewed from above as the face often looks pale, but viewed from below looks black. I have a pic of a female which viewed from the side has a pale face which looks white flushed with pink, yet it has a mostly red beard!

This male I only got one pic of on 16th November, I've cropped it to show the basicosta which is black. I haven't named it but I imagine it is C. vomitoria.

Edited by blowave on 20-03-2011 21:13