Thread subject: :: Which Anisopodidae? (13.03.11) --> Sylvicola cf. cinctus

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-03-2011 21:33


Can this Sylvicola be identified? Only about 5 mm, in garden at light (northwest Germany).

Edited by Juergen Peters on 17-03-2011 01:21

Posted by blowave on 16-03-2011 21:51

Hi Juergen!

I used Paul's key, it worked well I thought but nobody confirmed mine. Try it, it hurt my head for a start but I got there, I think! :D

Here's mine.. male and female, see if they compare!

Janet :)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-03-2011 22:14

Hi, Janet!

blowave wrote:
I used Paul's key, it worked well I thought but nobody confirmed mine. Try it, it hurt my head for a start but I got there, I think!

I'm afraid, I am even overcharged by the technical terms in the key :|. I'm not used to work with keys (shame on me...). But according to "Entomofauna germanica" there are only 5 Sylvicola species here, and S. cincta (sic! wouldn't that be the correct genus suffix?) is one of them.

Here's mine.. male and female, see if they compare!

I think it does look very like your female.

Posted by blowave on 16-03-2011 22:23

Aha, but that is the challenge! By doing it you will have to find out where everything is!

Try this site with wing venation, that helps a lot!


Edited by blowave on 16-03-2011 22:23

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-03-2011 22:36

Hello, Janet!

blowave wrote:
Aha, but that is the challenge! By doing it you will have to find out where everything is!
Try this site with wing venation, that helps a lot!

Thanks a lot! The problem is: I am not only into Diptera, but interested in all arthropods (some more, some less...), and I am afraid that is too much stuff for my no more very young brain to keep it all within... :S

But your link is very interesting! I did not know that website and immediately stored it in my bookmarks.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 16-03-2011 22:38

Posted by blowave on 16-03-2011 22:45

I'm also into everything that moves! I'm also not so young any more! It keeps the brain from rusting up. ;)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-03-2011 22:57

Hi, Janet!

blowave wrote:
I'm also into everything that moves! I'm also not so young any more! It keeps the brain from rusting up. ;)

Yes, but 90% of my free time is consumed by my own forum (not, that I am unhappy with that...).

Posted by Stephen R on 17-03-2011 00:25

Juergen Peters wrote: S. cincta (sic! wouldn't that be the correct genus suffix?)

Juergen, Sylvicola is one of the uncommon Latin words anding in -a which is masculine (like agricola), so the -us ending is correct.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 17-03-2011 01:21

Stephen R wrote:
Sylvicola is one of the uncommon Latin words anding in -a which is masculine (like agricola), so the -us ending is correct.

Thanks, Stephen! My Latin is a bit rusty.