Thread subject: :: Syrphidae -->Meligramma triangulifera

Posted by KathrinJ on 14-03-2011 16:31


can somebody help with the identification of this Syrphidae? First I thought, it could be a Melangyna sp., but another assumption was made, that it could be a Parasyrphus sp..
I found it resting on a bench on March, 8th, in Oppenheim (Germany).

With kind regards,
Kathrin Jäckel

Edited by KathrinJ on 16-03-2011 03:06

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 15-03-2011 23:53

Male Meligramma triangulifera.

Posted by KathrinJ on 16-03-2011 03:06

Thank you for your help, Stephane :).

With kind regards, Kathrin

Posted by Menno Reemer on 16-03-2011 09:36

I do not agree with M. triangulifera: the frontal angle (between eyes) is too large and the spots on tergite 2 are too small and not triangular but round.
Instead, I think this is Melangyna lucifera. In addition to the characters mentioned above, the spots on tergite 2 are distinctly, albeit narrowly, triangular.
I'm not sure how rare this species is in your part of Germany, but I guess it's certainly not common! (It does not occur in the Netherlands and Belgium.)

Edited by Menno Reemer on 16-03-2011 09:36