Thread subject: :: Tiny black wasp

Posted by pierred on 06-10-2006 07:12


I observed this tiny black wasp on ivy yesterday.

And suddenly I thought I recognized Proctoss' avatar.

Edited by pierred on 06-10-2006 07:13

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-10-2006 09:36

Cynipoid wasp, I'd say Eucoilidae.

Posted by ChrisR on 06-10-2006 12:55

Hmm, possibly Figitidae? :D

Posted by Robert Nash on 06-10-2006 15:52

Ithink Paul is right.Note the plate/teardrop shaped mesoscutellum in this Kleidotoma http://cse.naro.a...dotoma.htm
so Eucoilidae...and the wing hints this way too. But lets wait for Proctross

Posted by proctoss on 06-10-2006 19:38

This is Eucoiline (Figitidae). :o The eucoiline Figitidae are sometimes treated as a distinct family, the Eucoilidae. The eucoiline can be readily recognized by the presence of a raised plate on the dorsal surface of the scutellum.

Posted by pierred on 06-10-2006 20:17

Thanks a lot to all of you.

Are there other species in the Eucolinae family than the Eucoila genus to be found in Fauna europaea ?

Instead of asking, I'd better look myself : 18 genera.

Proctoss: I was wrong when I thought this was your avatar?

Edited by pierred on 06-10-2006 20:26

Posted by proctoss on 06-10-2006 23:37

This was not my avatar. Avatar belong to genus Coptera (fam. Diapriidae). I suppose that it looks like helmet of Dark Vaider (Star Wars);)B)

Edited by proctoss on 06-10-2006 23:39

Posted by proctoss on 06-10-2006 23:40

Coptera sp.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 06-10-2006 23:56

"May the forceps be with you!" :D

Posted by pierred on 08-10-2006 19:28


Is this the same family?

Thanks again.

Posted by proctoss on 08-10-2006 23:52

Yes, one more ucoiline... :o

Posted by pierred on 09-10-2006 07:06


Thanks a lot.