Thread subject: :: Micropezidae? Platypalpus sp

Posted by ankiengstrom on 11-03-2011 19:42

Have search and I have attemted to follow the key in my book, but I can't found out which it is. So difficult to find right in diptera species.

Can it be a sort of Micropezidae? :)

Picture is taken in Hälsingland in Sweden 7th of july 2010, I found it in the dog pool.

Edited by ankiengstrom on 11-03-2011 19:51

Posted by Juergen Peters on 11-03-2011 19:49


Hybotidae (maybe Platypalpus sp.).

Posted by ankiengstrom on 11-03-2011 19:54

Oh thank you for you quick reply, I will check that, took a quick look and it's plenty of them so I think it will be there somewhere. :)

have a nice evening

I have found it, it must be Platypalpus major. Thanks for your help. :D

Edited by ankiengstrom on 11-03-2011 20:41

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-03-2011 12:14

In my opinion P. major usually is paler in leg colour and colour of dust on the body.

Posted by ankiengstrom on 14-03-2011 18:00

Yes, I think you have right, the picture I found on the webb has little more pale legs. I was littel to quick to give it name there.

I found a picture here on diptera on a P. maculipes, http://www.dipter...to_id=4744

can it was that I have on my image? But the yellow on the abnormen on my fly is not on that picture but maybe my picture is a female? ;)

Posted by nielsyese on 14-03-2011 21:59

Even in our little Netherlands we have 56 species of Platypalpus recorded, so I think you should have to be satisfied with Platypalpus spec. from photo:)

Posted by ankiengstrom on 15-03-2011 11:19

yes, I think you have right there. In my book it says it is 147 species of just Hybotidae, think they mean in Sweden. :-)

thanks al for your help...