Thread subject: :: Unidentified

Posted by pjt on 06-03-2011 16:50

Picture taken on May 16, 2010 on an salvia leaf in an urban garden, Stuttgart, Germany, 250 AMSL.
I have other shots of the same individual. Let me know what body parts are most important for an identification.

Edited by pjt on 06-03-2011 16:59

Posted by javanerkelens on 06-03-2011 17:29

Welcome to this forum!

This is Fanniidae
If arista haired Piezura sp.
If arista is bare Fannia sp.
Important for male Fanniidae is a good view on the midtibia and if possible (mostly very difficult to photograph) a view on the mid and hind coxa.
Female are mostly difficult to ID from photos


Posted by Kahis on 06-03-2011 17:52

The Piezuras are more yellow than this, so it's a Fannia.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 06-03-2011 19:47

Fannia lustrator.

Posted by pjt on 06-03-2011 20:15

Thanks for helping so quickly! I'll be back with more photos!