Thread subject: :: Ephydridae

Posted by hedy2411 on 03-03-2011 23:22

Never saw a fly like this....
Who knows which fly it is..?
Found today.

Edited by hedy2411 on 04-03-2011 00:29

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 03-03-2011 23:41

Pisauridae -Pisaura mirabilis predating an Ephydridae.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 03-03-2011 23:43

Posted by Cranefly on 04-03-2011 07:29

Pisauridae - Pisaura mirabilis - predating an Ephydridae - Scatella paludum. Silvery-white face and high gena - I think it is this species.B)

Posted by hedy2411 on 05-03-2011 00:43

Thank you Jorge and Cranefly for your reactions to this nice fly. I put another picture of this unfortunate Scatella paludum to see that this is a man.


Posted by Cranefly on 05-03-2011 07:49

Sorry, but this identification needs correction. On the second photo I see greenish metallic shining abdomen. If it is one and the same fly on the two photoes, then 2 fr-or setae from the first photo + metallic abdomen = Setacera sp., male, can be determined to species from genitalia only.:S

Posted by hedy2411 on 07-03-2011 19:18

Hello Cranefly,

Yes, this is the same greenish fly, so thank you very much for the Setacera spec.!!


Edited by hedy2411 on 07-03-2011 19:23