Thread subject: :: Spilomyia?

Posted by tveverka on 01-03-2011 20:21

can you help me?
29.VIII.2010, Pouzdrany, Czech Republic (Moravia)
Thank you
Tomas Veverka

Edited by tveverka on 02-03-2011 09:40

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-03-2011 09:45

Looks like Spilomyia triangulata

Posted by tveverka on 02-03-2011 10:22

Could it be S. saltuum or manicata? I think Spilomyia triangulata is not from Czech Republic.

Posted by Mark van Veen on 02-03-2011 12:33

Perfect picture. Use the key in my book to find it is Spilomyia saltuum.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-03-2011 12:48

Mark van Veen wrote:
Perfect picture.
So it should be in the Gallery. :D

Posted by Andre on 02-03-2011 12:52

Using Van Steenis (2000) I come up with Spilomyia saltuum (with a sixth spot on pleura).

Posted by tveverka on 02-03-2011 13:00

Thank you very much.
P.S.: Today I asked Mr. Straka (Slovak National Museum) and he wrote S. saltuum too.

Posted by tveverka on 02-03-2011 13:06

Paul Beuk wrote:
Mark van Veen wrote:
Perfect picture.
So it should be in the Gallery. :D

I will send it to you, if you want to.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-03-2011 21:12

You can use this link: http://www.dipter...hp?stype=p