Thread subject: :: Helophilus CZ

Posted by Miroslav Fiala on 01-03-2011 08:49

this one is from The Czech Republic, Moravia, Prerov, Trsice
Thanks for help

Edited by Miroslav Fiala on 01-03-2011 08:50

Posted by Miroslav Fiala on 01-03-2011 08:49


Posted by Miroslav Fiala on 01-03-2011 08:50


Posted by Miroslav Fiala on 29-03-2011 12:00

Any idea?

Posted by John Carr on 29-03-2011 15:31

Are you sure it is Helophilus? The stigma looks narrow; North American guides use width of stigma to separate Helophilus from other Eristalini with striped thorax. I don't know anything about European genera but I suppose they are largely shared.

Edited by John Carr on 29-03-2011 15:32

Posted by Miroslav Fiala on 31-03-2011 21:34

I am not sure that this is Helophilus. It was only idea with comparison to other photos of Helophilus.
Thank for your reaction!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-04-2011 01:59

The leg and body colouration suggest Parhelophilus to me