Thread subject: :: Neoascia podagrica ??

Posted by Maherjos on 26-02-2011 19:26

Today 2011-02-26, also in the wetland Suárez Pond, in Motril, Granada, Spain, I have found again this sirfide. And in intercourse!
It measures only about 7-8 mm
Could it be the same sirfide that shown above?

Grateful for your opinion, a greeting.

Posted by Andre on 27-02-2011 18:14

Great picture. Yes, could very well be! :)
Can you catch as many specimens as you can find for me, to check ID's please?
You can contact me by private message!

Greetings, André

Posted by Maherjos on 27-02-2011 21:20

I think now that the temperature begins to rise, I can still see various insects of this species. If I have luck and find them again try to take some samples for full identification.
Grateful for your comments. Greetings

Posted by Andre on 12-03-2011 20:38

N. podagrica couple. Though face is more protruded than average, and the third segment of the antenna is more elongate than average, the spots on tergite 2 reveal its identity. Study of your specimens at home showed that it is not N. clausseni (or N. balearensis), unfortunately. But keep on looking, especially for N. podagrica without spots on T2 :D

Posted by Maherjos on 13-03-2011 01:28

Thanks André, confirmation of N. podagrica. Gout. I will send to the gallery.

As N. clausseni, will continue in his quest.
