Thread subject: :: Horse Flies of Canada
Posted by Tony T on 23-02-2011 23:42
Posted by Tony T on 23-02-2011 23:44
try this
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 24-02-2011 00:24
great work! Very appreciated!
Posted by libor on 24-02-2011 08:43
Agree, fantastic!
Posted by Zeegers on 28-02-2011 21:01
Words are insufficient to describe my admiration.
I think this sets a standard for the next ten years plus hard to beat !
And I need to recheck my difficult Nearctic Hybomitra !
One very tiny comment: in the download version on page 223 there pop up three Tabanus pictures in the Hybomitra section. Did something technically went wrong or is it just me ?
Thanks Tony !!!
Posted by Tony T on 28-02-2011 22:08
Thanks Jorge, Libor, Theo.
Theo: it was meant to be like that. There is some text beneath the images on p 223 that compares
H. sodalis with the 3 very similar
Tabanus spp.
I was hoping that the links would work in the pdf version,
links work fine for me in the 'regular' version.
Posted by sd on 02-03-2011 20:41
fantastic, will be checking for cheap flights to Canada in the Summer!
Posted by Tony T on 02-03-2011 22:04
SD wrote:
fantastic, will be checking for cheap flights to Canada in the Summer!
Hi Steve:
If you can make it to New Brunswick be sure to contact me before you arrive. Although more species in Ontario, tabanids are easier to find and more numerous in NB (when the sun shines) than those in southern Ontario.
Posted by Tony T on 02-03-2011 22:07
I contacted the Editor of CJAI and now the pdf file is far more user-friendly. The links from the Checklist and from the species pages and within the keys all now function.
Posted by Auratus on 03-03-2011 12:22
The latest improvements to the pdf really made it a perfect job! In one word: GREAT!