Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae Tephrochlamys tarsalis

Posted by philporter on 20-02-2011 14:21

Details of p/s d/c depend on which side you look! Lots of comparative points in the old key by Collin and I have no comparative material to look at. There is a very slight darkening at the base of the stigma. Which species please?

Edited by philporter on 20-02-2011 23:13

Posted by philporter on 20-02-2011 14:22


Posted by philporter on 20-02-2011 14:23


Posted by philporter on 20-02-2011 14:23


Posted by Andrzej on 20-02-2011 20:38

the face and cheeks are darkened, so T. tarsalis ! ;)

Posted by philporter on 20-02-2011 23:15

Thank you Andrzej, this looks like a quite significant record for my locality.