Thread subject: :: Small Australian fly - family?

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 18-02-2011 23:47

Can anyone suggest a family please?
Malaise trap (back in action after the cyclone)
Townsville, Queensland.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 18-02-2011 23:56

Drosophilidae - ish looking fly.

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 19-02-2011 00:03

Thanks Roger.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-02-2011 00:32

Nope. Perhaps Chloropidae...

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 19-02-2011 00:45

Ah, two choices are better than none.

Posted by Sara21392 on 19-02-2011 09:59

Dear Paul
Please see wing venation. Seems it has bm or bm and cup cells??
What do you think?? :)

Edited by Sara21392 on 20-02-2011 18:43