Thread subject: :: Myopa tessellatipennis? SE Norway june 2010

Posted by Tor S on 17-02-2011 00:18

Myopa tessellatipennis?

Tor S

Posted by Tor S on 17-02-2011 00:20

next pic.

Edited by Tor S on 17-02-2011 00:21

Posted by Zeegers on 17-02-2011 21:20

If you are sure that the thorax is reddish just before the scutellum (difficult to see in the pic, the pin doesn't help !)

I'd agree


Posted by Tor S on 17-02-2011 23:25

Hi Theo
Well, sometimes the pins are placed in wrong place.
I found the Myopa and got some more pictures through my USB-microscope.... :S

Posted by Tor S on 17-02-2011 23:33

I hope the two last pictures will show enough.
Is this thorax reddish enough before the scutellum to say it is Myopa tessellatipennis?

Edited by Tor S on 17-02-2011 23:36