Thread subject: :: Calliopum spec. 2-7-10

Posted by hedy2411 on 11-02-2011 13:09

Is it possible to say from only this picture which fly this is..?
Picture is made 2-7-2010 in Zeist, Holland

Edited by hedy2411 on 02-05-2011 22:24

Posted by Jean Leveque on 11-02-2011 16:18

Looks like a Lonchaeidae to me. I suggest you change the title and wait for an expert...

Posted by Mark-uk on 11-02-2011 16:38

It's at a difficult angle, but looks a bit like Calliopum (Lauxaniidae) to me, especially with those banded eyes


Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-02-2011 16:42

Halteres are white so it is not Lonchaeidae. Considering the location in the Netherlands I think a blackish Calliopum is rather unlikely. Just wondering about Sapromyza hyalinata of the Lauxaniidae...

Posted by Mark-uk on 11-02-2011 17:50

S. hyalinata is not one I see much of, so surprised to hear they are more common than Calliopum in the Netherlands.

The one in the picture has all black legs, so hyalinata seems probable? just a shame we can't see dc's and ac's


Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-02-2011 19:08

Dunno what made you think hyalinata is more common than Calliopum in the Netherlands. The greenish Calliopum (aeneum and simillimum) are very common, the other species (either greenish or more balckish) are not.

Posted by katerina dvorakova on 18-02-2011 23:33

Calliopum sp.