Thread subject: :: Drosophilidae? > Drosophila (Sophophora) cf subobscura

Posted by Stephen R on 10-02-2011 16:54

2.5-3mm Clitheroe UK 8 Feb 2011

Numerous on freshly-spread but well-rotted manure.

Edited by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 21:29

Posted by Stephen R on 10-02-2011 16:56


Posted by Stephen R on 10-02-2011 16:57


Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-02-2011 17:24

Drosophila (Sophophora) obscura species group. Impossible to say which species based on these pictures.

Posted by Stephen R on 10-02-2011 17:48

Thanks Paul. I have a specimen. Is there anything I can show that would make a difference?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-02-2011 18:11

If it is a male you have the combs on the fore leg...

Posted by Stephen R on 10-02-2011 18:47

It isn't. I'll go and catch one.

Posted by Stephen R on 16-02-2011 21:54

This any good?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-02-2011 14:41

It helps but does not lead to a certainty yet. Can you manage a picture of the wing and/or the palps?

Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 16:16


Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 16:18

The mouthparts ended up in a sticky mess. Can you see anything useful here?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-02-2011 16:33

I'd like to have the wing tip with a white background, please... ;0

Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 19:14

You're a hard man! This is a different specimen taken at the same time.

Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 19:17


Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 19:18


Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-02-2011 20:38

I am now reasonably confident that it is the common D. (S.) subobscura. Of course, if you can manage to post me the actual specimen... ;)

Posted by Stephen R on 21-02-2011 21:28

Thank you :). Reasonable confidence has always been an ambition of mine. Where should I stick the stamp?