Thread subject: :: Chymomyza maybe?

Posted by Stephen on 30-09-2006 15:07

Drosophiliade, and perhaps it is Chymomyza amoena? Those were the closest on-line photos I could find.

This fly was attracted to my mercury vapor light last night, an evening with very cool temperatures. Length was 3.1 mm from the front of the head to the rear of the wings. Open area near woodland, West Virginia USA.

The fly seems to have a bubble below his mouth, though I suppose it is possible it was hit on the head by a rain drop!

Edited by Stephen on 30-09-2006 15:10

Posted by Stephen on 30-09-2006 15:08

Second image

Posted by Jan Willem on 30-09-2006 16:49

Hi Stephen,

It certainly looks like Chymomyza amoena!

Jan Willem