Thread subject: :: Trichocera parva ?

Posted by pjoris on 17-01-2011 22:53

Now this should be T. parva: right ? "Pimple" on styles, bridge not fused (or is that still fused ?), narrow sternite 9. Wasn't too big either. If anybody can confirm (or disagree if they must ...). Joris

Posted by Andrius on 18-01-2011 22:21

It really looks like T.parva. Yet there is another rather similar species - T.bilobata, but it lacks setae on sternite 9. So, please check whether there are setae along the margin of st9 (I can't see them on the photos) - if yes, then you have parva for sure ;)

Edited by Andrius on 18-01-2011 22:22

Posted by pjoris on 19-01-2011 00:01

Yes, there are some setae - so parva. Good. That's the sixth species in a few days then (hiemalis, major, relegationis, annulata, the mystery one of my previous message, and now parva) - and I have a few more mysteries lying around. Not a bad hobby looking at trichocera's in the middle of winter :). Thanks for the confirmation ! Joris

Edited by pjoris on 19-01-2011 00:02

Posted by Jason G on 19-01-2011 00:59

Yes, they certainly provide a nice focal point in the winter. Beating over-wintering foliage is another way to carry on surveying for other groups such as Coleoptera/Hemiptera if you're into more than just Diptera - it can even find you resting Trichoceridae in low temperatures (<5'c) when they don't fly.

Posted by pjoris on 19-01-2011 01:52

Had most of them from ivy - brambles seem also good, but a bit more dangerous for the net. Indeed with some Demetrias atricapillus (carabid) and a few other beetles and pentatomids.