Thread subject: :: Crumomyia pedestris? (Sphaeroceridae) on snow

Posted by Andrius on 15-01-2011 18:10

Hello everyone,
I went for a walk today thinking of collecting some insects or spiders on snow and got really lucky. I've found three wingless flies what I think could be Crumomyia pedestris, Lauxaniidae - judging from the images in the gallery. Flies are about 4 mm long, caught on snow in Vilnius, Lithuania, around +0°C.
Sorry for the quality of the images - it's hard to make a photo of anything on snow...

Edited by Andrius on 15-01-2011 18:10

Posted by Jason G on 15-01-2011 19:08

Hi Andrius,

Did you collect any of these? Good shots by the way, the images show the icy texture well.

Edited by Jason G on 15-01-2011 19:09

Posted by Andrius on 15-01-2011 21:17

Yes, Jason, I collected all the three specimens I've found and they are still walking around in the jar :) They will eventually end up in our museum collection, I guess.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-01-2011 21:41

If you can spare one (temporarily) I can confirm ID. ;)

Posted by Andrius on 21-01-2011 15:47

I have checked the specimens with Krivosheina's 1970 key ( and only Crumomyia pedestris has this kind of male genitalia as I've attached in the photo. Are there any other similar short-wing species to consider? Thank you!