Thread subject: :: Unknown family.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 27-09-2006 20:34

Turkey, Side, sand dunas, 1,5-2mm.
It wasn't wise idea to travel with Dima, he walk and make images. I sit in the room and pin flies collected by Dima!
May be Stratiomyiidae?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-09-2006 20:51

Hmm, I'd like to get a closer look at that one. The part of the wing venation I can see does remind me of Scenopinidae but the general build is not exactly like the ones I have seen so far.

Posted by Zeegers on 27-09-2006 21:44

could even be a Bombyliid ?


Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-09-2006 21:48

I'd go with Scenopinidae on the venation

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-09-2006 19:23

I check the fly again after Paul's reply. It is Scenopinidae, looks like Scenopus itself, 2 species collected.
I've red a lot about this family without arista, but it is first time I see it!

Posted by pierred on 28-09-2006 21:06


Good that you told it, because I had not noticed the absence of arista on the picture.