Thread subject: :: Phthiria?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 27-09-2006 19:16

Turkey, Side, sand dunas, end september, 4-6mm

Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-09-2006 20:55

Certainly Phthiria, and fits the description of Phthiria gaedii very well. Pretty fly!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-09-2006 16:24

Thank you Tony.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 30-09-2006 21:03

Now we have some pictures made in the wild. These creatures are frequent visitors of a certain Polygonaceae bush which flowers are rich with nectar (can't tell exactle what is it yet), especially early in the morning and at sunsets.
Pictures taken on 29.09.2006 in sand dunes, Side.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 30-09-2006 21:05

Another image.