Thread subject: :: Microphor sp. male?

Posted by blowave on 06-01-2011 20:39


Similar antennae, could this be the male of the species I posted earlier? Or another Microphor sp.?
This was on 26th June 2010, on the roof inside my greenhouse. Near Lincoln UK. Size ~4mm.

One poor pic only. :|

Janet :)

Edited by blowave on 06-01-2011 20:39

Posted by blowave on 23-06-2011 23:25

I'm bringing this thread back up as I think this is one of the two remaining Microphor species we have, Paul has identified a recent one as Microphor crassipes.

If this is Microphor, it has to be either M. anomalus or M. holosericeus.

This female was in the greenhouse 10 minutes before I got the male posted above. A poor shot but it's the only one I have.