Thread subject: :: Suillia/Scathophaga?
Posted by xenion on 26-09-2006 20:53
What is the name of the fly on this picture?
Picture was made a few days ago in my garden, the fly was sitting on a leaf of a sunflower.
Posted by Andrzej on 27-09-2006 15:04
Obviously a female of Suillia species.
Posted by Kahis on 27-09-2006 16:22
Looks like it has only 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae and striped eyes, which does not add up to
Suillia, but right now I cannot propose any name.
Posted by Kahis on 27-09-2006 16:23
Posted by xenion on 27-09-2006 20:11
A difficult one i see, shame i don't have any better pictures of it...
I hope someone can tell me if it's a Lauxaniidae or a Suillia, since both of you seem to be sure about the species name.
Thanks so far :)
Posted by Andrzej on 27-09-2006 20:22
That's me again.
Maybe I've should verify my ID.
In the genus Suillia the prescutellar setae are absent (rather present in the pix) and the abdomen is not expanded (rather swollen in presented specimen).
Festina lente
Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-09-2006 20:24
It could be a
Posted by xenion on 27-09-2006 20:32
So it's not a Suillia, but it could be a Minettia...
We drop a possible species and we get a new one in exchange :p
The eyes are really striped, does Minettia also have striped eyes?