Thread subject: :: Tipulidae, probably Nephrotoma sp.

Posted by Sezima on 05-01-2011 00:40

Can anyone help with this crane fly ? I guess it could be Nephrotoma crocata but I am not sure. Captured on 29 July 2010, Czech Republic.

Thank you, David

Posted by rvanderweele on 05-01-2011 00:53

No, most likely a Ctenophora, but don't ask me which species ;)

Posted by blowave on 05-01-2011 02:58

I've tried keying it and came to Ctenophora ornata.

Dark patches large in apical part of wing.
Spot in apical part of wing elongate, continuing broadly to wing tip.
Basal half of tibia of hind leg not darkened nor with darkened ring.
For female, yellow of abdominal tergites dull.
Dark spot in apex of wing goes into m-cells. (it looks to just go into them)
Upper side of thorax at least partly brown, usually with longitudinal black stripes.

The alternatives don't seem to work but I'm not experienced in these!


Posted by Sezima on 05-01-2011 10:35

Thank you Janet for the exhaustive search !

I have checked the species on the net and it seems to agree, my assumption was wrong.


Posted by John Carr on 07-01-2011 03:37

Nephrotoma always has Rs short.