Thread subject: :: cf Linnaemyia ?

Posted by Petr Michael on 04-01-2011 14:43

I am showing two photos: the first was taken 25th of May, the second 1st of September, CZ.
Is it possible to say that these flies belong very close to Linnaemyia? Thank for answer!
Petr Michael

Posted by Petr Michael on 04-01-2011 14:45

the 2nd photo

Posted by neprisikiski on 04-01-2011 15:01

Should be somethink like Metopia or some other Sarcophagidae.

Posted by Thomas Pape on 08-01-2011 13:28

Yes, this is a species of Sarcophagidae, but not a miltogrammine as you can see the three stripes on thorax, which indicate Sarcophaginae. This also fits better with the checkered abdominal pattern and the undulating curvature of the two veins R4+5 and M. It is certainly a species of Sarcophaga (sensu lato), and my guess would be one of the species of Sarcophaga (Myorhina), e.g., S. nigriventris.