Thread subject: :: Tachindae - Ocytata pallipes

Posted by hedy2411 on 01-01-2011 17:38

Can this fly be named...?
Picture is made 27-5-2010 in Zeist, Holland

Edited by hedy2411 on 12-10-2011 22:31

Posted by Zeegers on 01-01-2011 17:41

Ocytata pallipes

Unmistakable: the apical crossvein is missing.

One of the very few parasitoids of Dermaptera (Oorwomen)


Posted by hedy2411 on 01-01-2011 17:48

OK, amazing....
To me it looks like a lady and to you...?


Posted by ChrisR on 01-01-2011 17:50

Yeah, looks like female Ocytata to me :)

Posted by hedy2411 on 01-01-2011 17:53

Thanks Theo and Chris!!
It's the first picture in our Dutch insectlist (, so that's special!


Edited by hedy2411 on 01-01-2011 17:59

Posted by Zeegers on 01-01-2011 20:30

I'm not so sure about the sex.

Sure, it has 2 pairs of proclinate orbital setae, but Ocytata is one of the exceptions where both sexes have these bristles.
The abdominal tip looks feminine, but the male genitalia are pretty small in Ocytata.


Posted by ChrisR on 01-01-2011 20:44

Tiny pulvilli and wide frons too ... but I must admit to not being very familiar with Ocytata ... I didn't catch one for a few years :)