Thread subject: :: Tabanidae- Heptatoma pellucens?

Posted by tomsur on 28-12-2010 16:18

please will you help me with determination this Diptera.
Seen 04 june 2010, Slovakia, Žilinská kotlina, Žilina, near river Váh.
Thanks in advance, Tomsur.

Posted by Sara21392 on 28-12-2010 17:38

I think you are right! :)

Edited by Sara21392 on 28-12-2010 21:29

Posted by Zeegers on 28-12-2010 20:28

Skip all the question marks !!


Posted by Sara21392 on 28-12-2010 21:28


Posted by tomsur on 28-12-2010 22:17

Thanks a lot, friends!:D

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 28-12-2010 22:20

It's Stratiomys longicornis (Stratiomyidae)

Posted by Sara21392 on 29-12-2010 12:09

Dear Tomsur
Do you have another angles? :)

Lukasz Mielczarek wrote:
It's Stratiomys longicornis (Stratiomyidae)

Dear Lukasz
Would you please more to explain...?
Thank you B)

Edited by Sara21392 on 29-12-2010 12:39

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 29-12-2010 13:40

Look at the proportions of antennal segments , their shape. Antennae break in the middle of their length like in others Stratiomys species. The wings are parallel to the body, very stiff.
Look at the pictures, you will see clear differences between these distinct species.

Posted by Sara21392 on 29-12-2010 13:56

That's right! Thank you very very much for your advice..! :D

Posted by pierred on 29-12-2010 14:17

Do you know other insects than Stratiomyidae which can move antennae back and forth like this ?

Posted by tomsur on 29-12-2010 14:19

Dziekuje bardzo Lukasz .;)

Posted by Zeegers on 29-12-2010 18:32


I was thinking 'One could easily take this for Stratiomys longicornis'......

Excellent thought, which I totally ignored.
