Thread subject: :: Bibionidae > Bibio gineri

Posted by valter on 26-12-2010 13:59

Location: Algarve, portugal
Date: December 2010


Edited by valter on 27-01-2011 23:16

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 26-12-2010 16:37

Bibionidae : Bibio or Dilophus, difficult to say without seeing the fore tibiae (at least for me).

Posted by John Carr on 28-12-2010 01:02

I think a male of Bibio:
1. Fore tarsi appear to have apical spurs rather than rows of spines.
2. There is no row of spines near the front of the mesonotum.
3. R-M and Rs are similar length.
These characters are used for American genera but I presume they work in Europe as well.

Posted by valter on 28-12-2010 10:04

I sent the specimen to Jorge Almeida...

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 28-12-2010 10:55

Eh eh ,it's cheating, top picture was not here when I sent my reply. Of course, with this new top picture, this is a Bibio. I let Theo say which species...

Posted by valter on 28-12-2010 11:16

I added the top picture for easy comparison ;)

Posted by Zeegers on 28-12-2010 14:32

Species does not look familiar to me and since I have very little experience with Bibionidae from the Iberian Peninsula, I'd really need the specimen to say more


Posted by valter on 28-12-2010 14:41

I sent the specimen to Jorge Almeida... but I can collect other in January 2011.