Thread subject: :: Criorhina floccosa? copula

Posted by blowave on 24-12-2010 00:48


I thought this was easy until I saw there was confusion species! Is this correct?

I saw them flying attached, they landed briefly then took off again after a walk around some leaves.

4th June 2010, my garden near Lincoln UK.

3 pics.

Janet :)

Posted by blowave on 24-12-2010 00:48

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 24-12-2010 00:49

pic 3

Posted by conopid on 24-12-2010 13:57

I am fairly sure these are C floccosa - the jizz is just right and they appear to have the tuft of pale hairs lacked by the similar C berberina.

Posted by blowave on 24-12-2010 16:47

Thanks Nigel! I read some old threads and found there was variations of other species so it's wise to check. I thought I could see a hint of colour on the antennae too but they look basically black.

Posted by Andre on 24-12-2010 21:02

1000% floccosa ;)

Posted by blowave on 24-12-2010 21:06

Good, I like that much positive enthusiasm.. besides, I've just submitted a pic for the gallery! ;)