Thread subject: :: Milichiidae? ( Agromyzinae?)> cf. Hexomyza simplicoides

Posted by blowave on 18-12-2010 01:38


It looks like it could belong to Milichiidae, can anyone tell me more?

16th May, near Lincoln UK. ~3mm

Janet :)

Edited by blowave on 10-03-2011 17:34

Posted by blowave on 18-12-2010 01:38

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 18-12-2010 01:40


Posted by ibrake on 09-03-2011 13:40

Can't really tell from the photos, but doesn't look like Milichiidae to me. Could it be Agromyzidae?

Posted by blowave on 09-03-2011 18:52

I think you are right!

The wing venation seems to match that of Agromyzinae

A search for that has revealed a very similar looking fly on


Does this look correct?

Posted by blowave on 09-03-2011 19:29

I'm clutching at straws here, I checked which genera we have in Agromyzinae. I chose the one with the fewest species, that is Hexomyza of which we have three species.

Hexomyza sarothamni mines in Cytisus scoparius which I have near the shrub I took the photo on!

The only pic I can find of Hexomyza is on bugguide, a different species, but it looks very similar and it's on our list.

The other two Hexomyza species we have feed on Populus and Salix which are both possible as both are in the area.

Hexomyza schineri as shown on bugguide does look a good possibility, does anyone have any knowledge of this? For example flying times, anything.


The other species, Hexomyza simplicoides feeds on Salix caprea.

Posted by mcerny on 10-03-2011 17:05

The wing venation wings is similar rather species Hexomyza simplicoides. Perfect determination (genus and species) only after male terminalia, determination after pictures is not very authentic.


Posted by blowave on 10-03-2011 17:32

mcerny wrote:
The wing venation wings is similar rather species Hexomyza simplicoides. Perfect determination (genus and species) only after male terminalia, determination after pictures is not very authentic.


Thank you Miloš!

For my own records that is fine, but as you said determination for both genus and species can't be authenticated from pictures I won't be able to use it for the gallery which is a shame.

cf. Hexomyza simplicoides is the correct way to put this?

Edited by blowave on 10-03-2011 17:32