Thread subject: :: 063_ID? (Herina nigrina)

Posted by Mucha Fero on 10-12-2010 16:12

Please identify 063_ID. Thank you very much.
Mucha František, Terchová, Slovak Republik

Edited by Mucha Fero on 11-12-2010 07:37

Posted by nielsyese on 10-12-2010 16:37

Reminds me to Seioptera vibrans (Ulidiidae), but I'm not sure.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-12-2010 21:01

Markings are too extensive for Seioptera. It's Herina, nigrina, I think (the one that used to be germinationis.

Edited by Paul Beuk on 10-12-2010 21:02

Posted by Mucha Fero on 11-12-2010 07:39

Paul Beuk wrote:
Markings are too extensive for Seioptera. It's Herina, nigrina, I think (the one that used to be germinationis.

Paul thank you very much.