Thread subject: :: ID help, please

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 05-12-2010 10:56

I am a bit lost with this one. Looks familiar but cannot place it in any genus for sure. Can anybody help me to ID it? Taken near Bambury, Oxfordshire, in middle August.

Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 05-12-2010 10:57

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 05-12-2010 10:58

Another view

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 05-12-2010 10:58

And another one.

Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 05-12-2010 10:59

Posted by Stephen R on 05-12-2010 13:43

I think Eupeodes luniger.

Posted by Andre on 09-12-2010 20:50

I would say so as well.

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 11-12-2010 19:25

Thanks a lot to you both!!!