Thread subject: :: Mysterious Brazilian leafhopper (?)

Posted by bonitin on 30-11-2010 20:20


This pretty tiny insect is driving me mad! :o, what could it be? Is it a Leafhopper?
Anyone has an idea?
Rainforest Paraty-Brazil 14th February 2010

Thank you!
Myriam :)

Posted by Sara21392 on 30-11-2010 21:11

It's similar to Delphacidae! (auchenorrhyncha), maybe

Posted by bonitin on 01-12-2010 00:45

Thanks for your help Sara!:)

Posted by nielsyese on 02-12-2010 19:02

A winged cicada.

Posted by bonitin on 06-12-2010 19:57

It sure has similarities to a winged Cicada too Nielsyese, but it doesn't has that kind of armour like body I know from the Brazilian Cicadas I met!
And this one was veeerry tiny!:)

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 06-12-2010 21:44

Looks like Delphacidae to me.
Cheers, Graeme

Posted by bonitin on 06-12-2010 22:39

Thanks Graeme for the confirmation of what Sara had found!

Posted by empeejay on 06-01-2011 23:56

This certainly not Delphacidae.

There is a picture of a very similar insect from Costa Rica here.

Posted by bonitin on 07-01-2011 00:24

Hi, Empeejay!
Mine certainly is very similar to the one of Costa Rica you found, so definitely belonging to the Dictyopharidae !
Thank you so much!
Myriam :)

Posted by Sara21392 on 07-01-2011 14:02

Sorry, but what about wide spur (blade like) on tip of the hind tibia?? I can't see it in :|
Your mean is: This spur maybe see in Dictyopharidae, too?? and it's not special character for Delphacidae?? B)
Thank you very much

Posted by blowave on 07-01-2011 16:37

Perhaps this key to planthoppers will help, the hopper does look the same as the one in the link but the family could be incorrect. I really don't know! ;)


There's some pointers here:


There are other families which have similar wings such as this one which a commenter has thought to be Ricaniidae but the poster has said Nogodinidae.

I leave it to those who know more.. ;)


Posted by blowave on 07-01-2011 17:47

Key to Families of Fulgoroidea:


Posted by Sara21392 on 07-01-2011 18:38

Wow, Thank you very much Janet, That's really interesting. :D:D
I think the same Dictyopharidae..:S
Again thanks a lot

Posted by blowave on 08-01-2011 01:32

I'm hitting a brick wall with these, but I have found some more interesting information!

First, look at the head figures in particular number 9 on the link, but the link only works if you click on the google image search. It's the second from the left on the top row, with drawings of heads. There is a key there and the head shape suggests Cixiidae, but looking at the key above those with wings without tubercules on the wing veins are in the family Kinnaridae. I can't find any pics of that family though!

This google image link is not working, try to copy and past it or search for the words "palm cixiid brasil" cixiid brasil&wrapid=tlif12944164836931&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1414&bih=751

There's some descriptions of different families on the following link, by clicking on the family you can view more pics on a pdf for each family..


The next pdf is a gem, with keys as well as species found in Brazil.


By searching some names I have found an list of Fulgoromorpha in Brazil giving destribution maps as well as host plants.


A search for some of the species may bring up more sites, and who knows, eventually we might find this particular one! They are poorly recorded in Brazil though.

Posted by Sara21392 on 09-01-2011 00:58

If I want to compare, I think I should compare between Dictyopharidae and Cixiidae;
I should see tegulae, claval suture, shape of abdominal terga 6-8, genitalia or ovipositor and etc.
I tried to can find them with use of several sources, but in result I couldn't find suitable answer for myself.
I hope I can understand definite answer in future!!!
Again thank you very much for your lead Janet

Edited by Sara21392 on 09-01-2011 11:05