Thread subject: :: Thricops simplex? (Thricops sudeticus/albibasalis)

Posted by Mucha Fero on 25-11-2010 18:14

Thricops simplex is the correct name? Thank you very much.
Mucha František, Terchová, Slovak Republik

Edited by Mucha Fero on 14-12-2010 07:13

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 25-11-2010 23:00

It looks like it, but Thricops simplex has only 3 dc after the suture. So maybe Thricops sudeticus/albibasalis ?

Posted by Mucha Fero on 26-11-2010 07:24

Stephane Lebrun wrote:
It looks like it, but Thricops simplex has only 3 dc after the suture. So maybe Thricops sudeticus/albibasalis ?

Stephane Thank you very much.