Thread subject: :: Empis sp

Posted by Vince on 21-09-2006 16:13

Hi all,

My first post on this great forum I've been roaming for a while now... first of all I apologize for my bad english and the fact this first post has nothing special : I'd just like to know if this fly is Empis tessellata, and if there's a way to know if its a male or a female.
It was about 15mm long. I also read Empis were just like robber-flies concerning feeding but I always see them feeding on flowers !

Thx for answering ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 21-09-2006 16:39

Hi Vince.
I think you are right, it is female Empis tessellata.

Posted by Vince on 21-09-2006 16:41


How do u see its a female ?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 21-09-2006 16:49

1. Abdomen fatty and rather conical, than with male genitalia.
2. Given size is very large even for E. tessellata, but females are bigger that males.
P.S. And I'm not expert, wait for Paul's confirmation;)

Posted by Kahis on 21-09-2006 16:53

Is this cas the fat, tapering abdomen is the key character. Males are a cylindrical abdomen. The feeding habit of Empis are varied, but many species do normally feed in flowers and hunt when they need a 'prey gift' to be used in the mating dance. Some species have more or less replaced the gift with a purely symbolic small ball of silk.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-09-2006 16:54

Confirmed. What were date and locality?

Posted by Vince on 21-09-2006 19:39

It was on the 08-05-2006, just near Paris (north).
Thx for information !