Thread subject: :: Fly on Rabbit Pellet

Posted by Stephen on 21-09-2006 12:47

This little fly was standing on a pellet of rabbit dung.

Length of the fly, 4 mm. In woodland, West Virginia USA.

I can't seem to figure out which family. ID help appreciated!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-09-2006 12:49

Family Sphaeroceridae. The swollen first segment of the hind tarsus is visible and relatively few families have this shape of antennae.

Posted by Robert Nash on 21-09-2006 14:39

Sphaeroceridae First thought on genus Crumomyia (Cypsela) in older works. No time to check today.Maybe tomorrow.

Posted by Stephen on 21-09-2006 22:43

Paul, Robert, Thanks for your help. I notice has nine species of Crumomyia listed.