Thread subject: :: Big beautiful something? Queensland. Au.

Posted by Trev on 18-11-2010 08:36

Hi guys,

I just came across this, only had time for a couple of quick frames before it took off. It was about an inch long (25mm). Never seen anything like it before. Anyone able to help with an ID?

All help appreciated.


Posted by Trev on 18-11-2010 08:37

Another view

Posted by rvanderweele on 18-11-2010 09:24

Looks like a Therevidae,

Posted by sd on 18-11-2010 13:18

I think its Apioceridae,


Posted by sd on 18-11-2010 13:24

for comparison -


Posted by rvanderweele on 18-11-2010 14:29

Great looking insect. I am absolutely not familiar with this family!

Posted by Trev on 18-11-2010 14:49

Thanks Steve, reading up on them it seems to fit although the markings on this one are not like any of the ones that I have been able to find a picture of.

Posted by sd on 19-11-2010 12:02

Maybe its worth contacting Torsten Dikow directly on the above site - I bet he'd be interested to see the photo:)

Posted by Torsten Dikow on 23-11-2010 21:32

Hi all, Yes this is definitely an Apiocera species. The markings are very distinct and unfortunately I can't provide a species identification as I am not familiar with many of the 67 known Australian species. There is a key to species published by Paramonov in 1953, but I am not sure if one would be able to identify the specimen from the image. I have a PDF of that key if anybody would like to try.
Best wishes

Posted by Steve Gaimari on 24-11-2010 06:11

Torsten Dikow wrote:
Hi all, Yes this is definitely an Apiocera species. The markings are very distinct and unfortunately I can't provide a species identification as I am not familiar with many of the 67 known Australian species. There is a key to species published by Paramonov in 1953, but I am not sure if one would be able to identify the specimen from the image. I have a PDF of that key if anybody would like to try.
Best wishes

I had already tried Paramonov's key, and it immediately gets into characters you just can't see. Oh well.

Posted by Trev on 11-12-2010 02:49

Hi Steve,
If it would help I could post close crops of sections of the fly as this is nearly a full frame image. If you would like to see particular sections please let me know and I will crop and post the bits.

Posted by Steve Gaimari on 11-12-2010 04:06

Trev wrote:
Hi Steve,
If it would help I could post close crops of sections of the fly as this is nearly a full frame image. If you would like to see particular sections please let me know and I will crop and post the bits.

It's not really a matter of close-ups of the same photo. The wing veins are just not all visible (they seem really thin) or distinguishable, and that's where many of the characters near the beginning of the key are. And other features just aren't in the pic.

Posted by Trev on 11-12-2010 04:54

Thanks Steve, unfortunately the fly was vibrating its wings in the two photos I managed before it took off, you can see the blur on the edges. Also the veins were very reflective and shot back the flash as gold highlights. I hope one day I come across another and can get more and better shots.