Thread subject: :: Phaonia subventa

Posted by Stephen R on 14-11-2010 18:41

Clitheroe UK, 16 May 2009.

I found this in my Phaonia bin. I would call it P. subventa except that it has 3 posterior setae on the mid tibia, which could indicate P. bitincta. On the other hand, as far as I can guess from the shaky photo, the arista looks short-haired, and I can't see any yellow at the antennal base. Also the dark mid-line on the abdomen looks very like P. subventa. Is this the (rarely 3) case mentioned in the key?

Edited by Stephen R on 16-11-2010 13:31

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 15-11-2010 21:44

Hennig says in his key :
t 2, mostly with 2, rarely with 3 bristles on the backside

The arista is crucial for ID in this case.

Posted by Stephen R on 16-11-2010 13:30

Thanks Stephane. I'll keep looking for P. bitincta, but I think we probably don't have it on my local patch.
