Thread subject: :: Another Chalcid wasp?

Posted by LordV on 19-09-2006 20:44

About 2.7mm body length taken today on my car. South coast UK.
Any confirmation?
Thanks Brian V.

Posted by proctoss on 19-09-2006 21:36

Cynipoidea, fam. Figitidae, Anacharitinae
Three genera occurring in Britain.:)

Posted by LordV on 19-09-2006 22:11

Thanks proctoss- a new wasp family for me:)
Brian V.

Posted by ChrisR on 19-09-2006 22:35

I only started seeing Figitidae when I ran a malaise trap - but they are still one of my favourite small wasps :D

Posted by LordV on 20-09-2006 08:22

For reasons I don't understand, bugs seem to like my car and it's a great surface to photograph them on. Perhaps because I don't use it that often.
Brian V.