Thread subject: :: Very small dark mating flies: Family?

Posted by Stephen on 19-09-2006 12:49

I photographed this pair two days ago, in woodlands, alongside a very small stream. Location: West Virginia, USA.

My size estimates made by measuring the images are 6.6 mm for the female and 4.1 mm for the male.

ID help appreciated!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-09-2006 12:53


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 19-09-2006 12:53

Family - Phoridae.

Posted by Stephen on 19-09-2006 12:53

Second image

Posted by Stephen on 19-09-2006 14:26

A tie! Both at 12:53. Thank you, Paul and Nikita, for your help!

Posted by proctoss on 19-09-2006 17:05

I think Gymnophora sp.

Posted by Stephen on 19-09-2006 23:14

Good call, Proctoss! Before you replied, I sent the page link to Brian Brown, the expert on Nearctic Phorids. His reply came back, Gymnophora luteiventris.

Thank-you Tony, Nikita, Proctoss, and Brian Brown!