Thread subject: :: Re identifying Campsicnemus

Posted by conopid on 19-09-2006 10:41

I am currently identifying a number of Dolichopodidis. This is my first realy serious attempt to ID Dolis. I have identified several Campsicnemus flies and they all seem to have a very distinctive dorso-ventrally flattened and short abdomen. Is this feature unique to Campsicnemus and is it safe to assume that any Dolis with this short, flattened abdomen are Campsicnemus?

The reason I ask is that it will save me a lot of time running through the keys to genera if I can instantly ID the genus Campsicnemus.

Posted by Kahis on 19-09-2006 11:00

It is not safe, you'll need at least a hard hat :)

Seriously, it won't always work, although it is part of the Campsicnemus 'jizz'.
Hydrophorus females have similar flattened abdomens. Fortunately the latter are either much larger or have characteristic patterns of spots on wings, so telling them apart in hardly a problem. But don't worry, in practice it is easy to tell the north/mid European genera apart with little experience. The only exception perhaps being some Rhaphium females (R. micans etc.) being quite Argyra-like.

Posted by conopid on 19-09-2006 11:54

Kahis - thanks. Excellent guidance :)

Posted by Robert Nash on 19-09-2006 16:20

Nigel If you haven't already > Web Links> Families: Orthorrhapha> Le site des mouches Dolichopodides> Phototeque >Pulldown menus> type in genus and species. Multiple images then appear. Excellent :p:pand easy French
