Thread subject: :: Larva => Syrphus ribesii

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 03-11-2010 21:57

Hi, can somebody identify this larva? The picture was photographed in May.
Thank you, Marion.

Edited by Marion Friedrich on 07-11-2010 11:51

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-11-2010 22:26

Syrphid larva...

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 04-11-2010 13:38

Hello Marion,
I consulted the book of Rotheray, Graham Colour guide to Hoverfly Larvae by published by Derek Whiteley, Sheffield, 1993, and I have two indices :
1°) Syrphus ribesii
2°) Parasyrphus nigritarsis

what would be good to have a closeup of the face of larva and a view from above !

Best wishes


Posted by Marion Friedrich on 05-11-2010 00:14

Hello Pierre and Paul,
thank you very much. I attach the other existing photos for decision. Unfortunately focus depth was too low. From the face I have only a side view.
Best regards,

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 05-11-2010 00:16

2nd picture

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 06-11-2010 18:10


I find it very similar to Syrphus ribesii

what do you think ?

Best wishes

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 07-11-2010 11:48

Hello Pierre,
I do not have access to the book you mentioned, but I think you are right.
Syrphus ribesii and vitripennis are very common in my region. Parasyrphus nigritarsis should also exist, but seems to be uncommon. Amongst my photos I could not find any picture of an adult P. nigritarsis, but a lot of S. ribesii.
I also found some pictures quite similar to my larva in internet:
This larva was raised and confirmed as S. ribesii.
Thanks for ID.
