Thread subject: :: Mission impossible?

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 17-09-2006 16:51

Unfortunately I got only one chance to photograph this fly (yesterday, at Leerdam, Netherlands). Just a side view, so I guess it will be a mission impossible to identify it. But who knows. Could it be a member of the Muscidae family, perhaps?

Thanks in advance!

Posted by Zeegers on 17-09-2006 20:29

Looks like a Muscina ?
Tony may confirm


Posted by Tony Irwin on 17-09-2006 22:55

I think it must be, though the angle of this shot makes it difficult to see the bend in vein M very well. It look s very similar to the fly in http://www.dipter...post_13937 which Kahis suggested was Muscina stabulans, and I don't think it can be anything else.

Edited by Tony Irwin on 17-09-2006 22:57

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 18-09-2006 11:40

Thanks very much for your help, Theo and Tony, this is more than I could hope for!