Thread subject: :: Dolichopod male 4mm>Campsicnemus curvipes

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 16:26


This was on the pond liner in shadows near the water so was very difficult to get good pics of. I'm guessing 4mm as the thorax and head combined was around 2mm.

I was tempted to think it was the male Syntormon denticulatum/us as I had the female recently but I can't work out the key for the male or it doesn't seem to fit. The mid tibia looks expanded, and there's some long bristles on the hind femur.

I've tried to show all parts as best I can from different pics, hopefully someone can recognise it or at least the genus to give me an idea where to look.

27th October, my garden near Lincoln UK.

4 pics..

Janet :)

Edited by blowave on 29-10-2010 19:10

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 16:27

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 16:27

pic 3

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 16:28

pic 4

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 16:33

Adding another pic showing the hind femur..

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-10-2010 17:08


Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 18:38

Thank you Paul!

I had looked at Nikita's Campsicnemus umbripennis and thought there was a similarlity.

Checking the keys, I think this is Campsicnemus curvipes.

10. – Mid tibia distinctly thickened in distal half, almost straight, with several dorsal setae in apical half; fore legs not modified; 2.0-2.75. Fig. 14(5) ... curvipes (Fallιn)

12 - Midtibia with several dorsal setae in apical half,mid basitarsus shortened; midfemur with row of black ventral setae, 2.0-2.75...curvipes (Fallen)


Is this correct?

I have lightened a pic which shows the midfemur ventral setae..

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 29-10-2010 18:49

Yes, it is Campsicnemus curvipes Fall.

Posted by blowave on 29-10-2010 19:08

Stefan Naglis wrote:
Yes, it is Campsicnemus curvipes Fall.

Thank you Stefan!!! :DB)

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 31-10-2010 11:09

26. Legs mainly black-brown; wing dark or brown, long and narrow, without anal
lobe; mid femur with double ventral row of short setae of equal length; 3.0 …....
…………………………………………………………... C. umbripennis Loew
– Legs mainly reddish-yellow, brown in places; wing transparent, with pronounced
anal lobe; midfemur with rows of long and short setae ……………………… 27
27. Hind femur with ventral row of black setae; face yellow brown; 2.0-2.75 …...…
……………………………………………………………… C. curvipes (Fallιn)
– Hind femur without row of setae; face white above, brownish-yellow below; 2.0-
2.75 ………………………………………………………... C. loripes (Haliday)

See Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. A new species of Campsicnemus Haliday from Azerbaijan with a key to the Palearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Far Eastern entomologist 198: 1-16.

Posted by blowave on 31-10-2010 14:13

Thanks for the link Igor, I have saved the updated key. Who knows, I might even find the new species! ;)

I had wondered why the ventral row of black setae on the hind femur was not included in other keys for curvipes, it's very obvious!