Thread subject: :: Very tiny fly

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-09-2006 20:44


This pretty yellow and black one with red eyes was only about 1.5 mm long and running restlessly on blackberry leaves near the forest today (Ostwestfalen/Germany). I don't even know, what family to put it in (perhaps Chloropidae?). Any idea? Thanks!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 16-09-2006 20:45

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-09-2006 21:07

Hi Juergen.
It is Agromyzidae, I think.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 17-09-2006 00:50

Hello, Nikita!

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
It is Agromyzidae, I think.

Thanks! I never found that family, yet.