Thread subject: :: Tachinid (?) 1: Phania funesta?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 15-09-2006 17:38


Photos from yesterday, Ostwestfalen/Germany, on a meadow. Length about 5-6 mm. Is it Phania funesta? Thanks!

I think the wing venation does not point to the Tachinidae :-/.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 15-09-2006 17:39

Posted by Zeegers on 15-09-2006 20:50

Yes, it is Phania funesta.
There is a bend in vein M, take a good look.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-09-2006 00:26

Hello, Theo!

Zeegers wrote:
Yes, it is Phania funesta.
There is a bend in vein M, take a good look.

Thanks a lot! Not clearly visible, therefore I doubted it later. But I'm happy that my first impression was not so wrong :-).