Thread subject: :: Another possible Syrphid from Brazil for id. please

Posted by bonitin on 19-10-2010 16:58

I thought this one looked similar in bodyshape to Ornidia obesa id. by Gerard Pennards in an earlier thread, I thought it could be a Syrphid too, though I cannot make up much of the wing venation..

Only one picture from the 31st January 2010, rainforest Paraty-Brazil.

Thank you!
Myriam :)

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 19-10-2010 17:09

Nope, not a syrphid, it's a calyptratae fly in the family Calliphoridae, something like Chrysomyia sp.!

Posted by bonitin on 19-10-2010 17:38

Thank you Gerard!
Myriam :)