Thread subject: :: Brazilian hoverfly nr.2 for id..

Posted by bonitin on 18-10-2010 14:26

Unfortunately only got one picture of this Syrphid..
It looks like a female to me.
Picture was taken in the surroundings of Paraty-Brazil not far from the sea..

Thank you!

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 18-10-2010 16:04

A female Palpada, probably Palpada albifrons, but that is not completely sure!

Posted by bonitin on 18-10-2010 17:26

Thank you very much! I'll see if we have it already in the Gallery, can I say Palpada cf.albifrons ?


Posted by Menno Reemer on 18-10-2010 21:11

In P. albifrons, there is a greyish pollinose fascia along the posterior margin of the mesonotum. This seems to tbe lacking in the specimen in the picture. More likely candidates are P. fasciata, P. florea and P. inversa. These will be very hard to tell apart from a picture alone.

Posted by bonitin on 18-10-2010 23:55

OK Menno! Thank you! Better keep it Palpada sp.!

Myriam :)