Thread subject: :: Opomyza florum, Opomyzidae, Hungary

Posted by Xespok on 12-09-2006 21:12

This fly was one of the commonest in the undergrowth of broad-leaved forests. The wing pattern is very distinctive.Maybe one for Jan Willem.

Edited by Xespok on 13-09-2006 15:57

Posted by Xespok on 12-09-2006 21:14

The lateral view.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 12-09-2006 21:35

I hope Jan will confirm that it is Opomyza florum.

Posted by Jan Willem on 12-09-2006 22:47

Consider it confirmed:).

Jan Willem

Posted by Xespok on 13-09-2006 10:25

Thx for both of you.